| START | Mest lästa | Debattartiklar || Motto: Vad Säger Skriften? | Bibeltolkningsprinciper || TACK GODE GUD! DU LEVER ÄNNU! VÄLKOMMEN HIT! || höger-kol.: Art. på Denna Sida | Tio senaste | ARKIV |


GUD MED DIG! | | Jesaja 7:14 | | Genesis 28:15 | | GOD WITH YOU!
+ + +

+ VALET 2014 & 2018 - Socialism & Islamism contra Kristen civilisation +
onsdag, september 20, 2006

  2006-09-20 We | Påven & Islam | First Things
Påven & Islam
On the Square FIRST THINGS Ryan T. Anderson:

Death threats issued to Pope Benedict XVI, Muslims burning the Pope in effigy, promises to conquer Rome and slit the throats of Christians, at least seven churches in the region of Palestine torched, a nun murdered in front of a children’s hospital in Somalia, claims of Benedict participating in a U.S.-Israeli conspiracy against Islam. Do we fail to see the irony in all of this? Violent protests from a religion of peace in response to the suggestion that Islam may be fundamentally misguided in its conception of God. This was Benedict’s underlying argument in reference to Islam last week. And taken as a whole, it was only one of the many interconnected points Benedict was making in his Regensburg lecture, “Faith, Reason and the University: Memories and Reflections.”

Yet the many commentaries, news reports, and editorials seem to miss Benedict’s central message: Human reason can apprehend the truth—though not the entire truth—of God and man. Reason isn’t at odds with faith. And the modern university performs a great disservice to the well-being of all mankind in relegating the truths of religion to personal preferences and radically subjective, private beliefs. The resulting impoverished Christianity and shriveled secular reason are unable to sustain a culture or respond to challenges.

Benedict’s lecture merits repeated readings, careful examination, and deep reflection, for it offers a profound exposition on the nature of God, particularly in relation to man and man’s ability to know the divine.



  2006-09-20 We | Bernard Lewis | om demokrati, frihet och islam | RealClearPolitics
Bernard Lewis:
Bring Them Freedom, Or They Destroy Us

The dictatorship of Saddam Hussein in Iraq or the Assad family in Syria or the more friendly dictatorship of Mubarak in Egypt--all of these have no roots whatsoever in the Arab or in the Islamic past.

[After 1940] The Nazis moved in, made a tremendous propaganda effort, and were even able to move from Syria eastwards into Iraq and for a while set up a pro-Nazi, fascist regime. It was in this period that political parties were formed that were the nucleus of what later became the Baath Party. The Western Allies eventually drove the Nazis out of the Middle East and suppressed these organizations. But the war ended in 1945, and the Allies left.

A few years later the Soviets moved in, established an immensely powerful presence in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and various other countries, and introduced Soviet-style political practice. The adaptation from the Nazi model to the communist model was very simple and easy, requiring only a few minor adjustments, and it proceeded pretty well. That is the origin of the Baath Party and of the kind of governments that we have been confronting in the Middle East in recent years. That, as I would again repeat and emphasize, has nothing whatever to do with the traditional Arab or Islamic past. [t]he Iranian Revolution has gone through various familiar phases--familiar from the French and Russian revolutions--such as the conflicts between the moderates and the extremists. I would say that the Iranian Revolution is now entering the Stalinist phase, and its impact all over the Islamic world has been enormous. As Osama bin Laden puts it: "In this final phase of the ongoing struggle, the world of the infidels was divided between two superpowers--the United States and the Soviet Union. Now we have defeated and destroyed the more difficult and the more dangerous of the two. Dealing with the pampered and effeminate Americans will be easy." What happened on 9/11 was seen by its perpetrators and sponsors as the culmination of the previous phase and the inauguration of the next phase--taking the war into the enemy camp to achieve final victory. The response to 9/11 came as a nasty surprise. They were expecting more of the same--bleating and apologies--instead of which they got a vigorous reaction, first in Afghanistan and then in Iraq. There are, as I've tried to point out, elements in Islamic society which could well be conducive to democracy. And there are encouraging signs at the present moment--what happened in Iraq, for example, with millions of Iraqis willing to stand in line to vote, knowing that they were risking their lives, is a quite extraordinary achievement. It shows great courage, great resolution. There are still many major problems to overcome. There is a bitter anti-Western feeling which derives partly and increasingly from our support for what they see as tyrannies ruling over them. It's interesting that pro-American feeling is strongest in countries with anti-American governments. I've been told repeatedly by Iranians that there is no country in the world where pro-American feeling is stronger, deeper and more widespread than Iran. [o]ne of the greatest dangers is that on their side, they are firm and convinced and resolute. Whereas on our side, we are weak and undecided and irresolute. I think that the effort is difficult and the outcome uncertain, but I think the effort must be made. Either we bring them freedom, or they destroy us.

cid KOMMENTAR Lägg märke till paradoxen. Amerika gillas inte i länder där tyrannerna har goda relationer till USA. Folket i länder med tyranner som hatar USA och motarbetas av USA, gillar Amerika. Slutsats: Man förväntar sig att USA skall stå på frihetens sida, och befria från tyranni, inte stödja eller samarbeta med dem. När USA är sig självt, dvs står på frihetens sida och bekämpar diktatorer, då blir USA älskat, inte av de som redan är fria i Europa, men av de som är fångar under tyranner. Och det är deras åsikt som räknas. GO USA! BE YOURSELF! GIVE ALL THE OPPRESSED FREEDOM - THAT IS YOUR DESTINY AND THE LAST BEST HOPE FOR THE WORLD.

lagring per datum istället för per månad!

Vänligen se "ARKIV" i höger spalten!

Content Swedish; English (starting July 2006)
Articles on Christianity & Society and
Comments on articles by others
by Carl Ingemar Dagman, Habo, Sweden

Created Monday, Feb. 2, 2004
Changes in design Sept. 2006, Febr. 2008

Psalm 145 to 150 - Read from KJV

9-11 Psalm 23:4
Fear No Evil - Frukta intet ont

Psalm 9:11 [1917]
"Och må de som känna ditt namn
förtrösta på dig;
ty du övergiver icke
dem som söka dig, HERRE."

Psalm 9:11 [KJV]
"Sing praises to the LORD,
which dwelleth in Zion:
declare among the people his doings."

    LÄNK till CID på Twitter


    2006-09-20 We | Påven & Islam | First Things
    2006-09-20 We | Bernard Lewis | om demokrati, frihet och islam | RealClearPolitics


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